Trial on:

How does diet affect constipation? | King's College London

Trial ends: 27 October 2024

Researchers at King’s College London are looking to understand how people with constipation view the role of diet in constipation and their opinions on where future research studies could be directed in diet and constipation. This will help inform research priorities in diet and constipation, directed by those who the research aims to benefit. Please read the following to understand the purpose of this study and what your involvement will be.

The online survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

During the survey we will ask you questions on your demographic characteristics, your symptoms of constipation, your opinions on the role of diet in constipation and what you believe future research studies should focus on when investigating diet and constipation. The survey is anonymous, and you will not be identifiable in any output from this project.

Before you decide whether you want to take part, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what your participation will involve. As the survey is completed anonymously it will not be possible to remove your responses once the survey is completed.

Information contained in the survey promo pages have been supplied by companies who have paid to promote here. talkhealth does not endorse any specific products, brands or treatments and cannot vouch or verify any claims that the authors have made. talkhealth cannot provide any advice on whether a particular product or treatment is suitable. If you are in any doubt about any of the products you read about, we advise you to either contact the company concerned or seek medical advice before changing your treatment routine.