Eczema stories
If you have eczema, you're far from being alone. This is where you can hear other patients' experiences of living with and managing eczema. If you’d like to share your own story, please get in touch with us!
Complementary treatments
You really are what you eat!
I have severe eczema and psoriasis. When it's particularly bad my skin bleeds and sheds, I'm itchy all day and my skin sheds on my clothes which makes me really self-conscious. My ears shed and I need to get my ears cleaned out by the doctor every year where the debris blocks my ear canals. I've suffered like this for many years, and now I have been told I have psoriatic arthritis too. I decided I'd had enough and tried to see if diet affected my condition. I experimented for 3 months. Went to see GP about my arthritis and showed her my skin. She was shocked. She asked if my dermatologist had started me on some new drug trials. After trying the new treatment it almost completely cleared my skin. My psoriasis massively reduced. The only trouble is I really have to stick to a diet whereby I eat things which are kind to my skin and totally avoid those which exacerbate my condition. Coincidentally, the diet for my skin is also helping my arthritis and my blood pressure is reduced so I believe I’ve found a good balance. It's not always easy, I have to think before I plan trips etc, and I’ve also had to cut down on some things which I enjoyed, but the trade-off is worth it. It's taken me 50 years to believe this but in my case it's true, you are what you eat!
Martyn, UK
Treating with Chinese medicine
I have had eczema since I was little. I suffered from it badly at age two and since then I was always on steroids or on traditional Chinese herbal medication. The situation became better when I was a teenager but deteriorated during early adulthood with stress and lab duties; I had severe hand eczema when wearing gloves and was unable to continue my lab work. I suffered from depression then while trying to find an alternative job option. I eventually landed myself in clinical research profession but eczema won’t leave me; it got worse when I got married and moved into a rented place. I started developing severe rhinitis. My job would entail some frequent traveling’s and I would occasionally have serious eczema on face and had to have extended leave. I started researching patient support groups and found similar ones in UK and in HK. I became engaged with the support group and at the same time tried to find out medical solutions to my problems. I became pregnant and gave birth to a baby girl who also suffered from dry skin problems. Early last year in 2017, I eventually came to know about allergen desensitisation treatment and discovered some hope to resolve my problem. I started treatment for three months and found good improvement in my eczema and rhinitis. I wish to contribute better to eczema education and patient support groups in HK so people who suffer with the same disease as me can learn and support each other.
Shirley, UK
Flaxseed oil for scalp eczema
Hello, I am 20 years old and have been suffering from severe Atopic dermatitis since I was an infant. I've tried everything from steroid treatments to antibiotics and have had no semi- permanent relief from traditional medicine. I have recently been seeing a homeopathic doctor and have started to see great results. The key to treating eczema is to treat the person as a whole by building up the immune system instead of suppressing it. I have had a reoccurring problem with eczema on my scalp and have found amazing relief in flaxseed oil. Flaxseed oil can be applied directly to the scalp and taken orally. When applied to the scalp, it provides immediate relief. I am eager to educate other eczema sufferers on the great benefits of this wonderful oil. Please post this letter for others to view. Thank you, Mallory.
Mallory, Asheville, USA
Flaxseed/fish oil/cod liver oil
My son has suffered from eczema from birth. We always had to lather him in aqueous cream, Diprobase and hydrocortisone to improve his skin. However, it still looked unsightly and gave him discomfort. At 3 years old I started to give him different branded, high street fish oil/ cod liver oil and flax seed oil for the recent claims that it improves concentration etc. I continued these cheaper brands until he was about 5. Then I heard about a highly concentrated pure fish oil for kids called Morepa mini. It claimed that one capsule was equivalent to 6 capsules of a commercial brand. I purchased Morepa from an Internet site. Within a few months it was his skin (not his concentration) that improved vastly. No more crying through pain and itching at night. After 6 months his scabs had gone and I didn't even have to moisturize his skin! I know it is the higher dosed fish oil that cured him because (he is 9 now) whenever I get lazy and stop the fish oil the dry patches and itching (and interrupted sleep) reoccurs. It has changed our lives.
The Wisharts, UK
Aloe Propolis Creme is my saviour!
I visited the Forever web site that Jane from Dundee suggested - to try out the Aloe Propolis Creme. Wow! I only just started to get eczema in my late twenties and it's never been really bad until recently. I have a very sore forehead and hairline and embarrassing red marks around my eyes. I tried Aloe Vera Gel and this was very soothing but did not seem to reduce the redness. I'm sure it works for some people. I was getting desperate because I felt people were staring at my face and then I found - a brilliant find! I read some of the articles on Eczema especially about Aloe Vera. I decided to try Jane from Dundee's suggestion, I'm so glad that I did. I visited and purchased some Aloe Propolis Creme approximately £12.96 and have found that it is well worth the money. I've only been using the creme for two weeks and I no longer itch and scratch all day long. The redness around my eyes has almost disappeared and gets less and less each day and my forehead is well cured as is my hairline. I think products like hair spray were irritating my skin too but the creme seems to act as a barrier so I can keep on using my everyday hair and skin products. I can't tell you how relieved and impressed I am with this product. It worked for me perhaps it will for you and I tried all of the potions the doctors and homeopaths gave me to try!
Good Luck. I hope it works as well for others as it has for Jane from Dundee and myself. Thanks Jane, if you had not left details about your experience on talkeczema I would have been non-the-wiser and worse off for it.
Jane, Cheltenham, UK
Manuka WonderRub appears to be helping my partner's eczema
My partner (47 years old) suffers with eczema at the top of his legs which is incredibly painful for him. He has tried everything to the point where the only thing that was giving any kind of relief was a bizarre ritual of having the shower as hot as he could stand and spraying his thighs with the water - this numbed the skin to the point where he got some respite from the irritation and pain. He had tried every cream going and nothing was working. A couple of weeks ago, the company I work for introduced a new range of products, amongst them was a product called Manuka WonderRub, I had used it successfully on a couple of burns I got in the kitchen so I suggested giving it a go. I cannot believe how quickly this stuff has worked. After just three applications, two last night and one this morning, he is no longer in agony. It hasn't gone completely but the inflammation has gone - mainly because he no longer feels the need to scratch until he bleeds and I am convinced if he continues with the application it may clear up completely. I have no idea if this can work for everyone, but it isn't expensive and I really felt the need to let people know about it.
Amanda, UK
Hemp and I've never looked back!
I am a 50 year old male and developed eczema in the lower legs about five years ago. In the first instance I went to my doctor and got the standard cream. He might as well have given me ice cream. About one year later I paid £100 and went private - more cream but this time with pads. This lasted for another two years. One day about three months ago I called into the Body Shop and asked the assistant if she could help me in any way. She suggested using Hemp Body Butter (yes from ice cream to butter) at £12.00 for the large tub I said OK and have not looked back since. The itching has stopped and I can see in some places where it is going away. I hope this will help someone.
Brendan, Belfast, Ireland
Oatmeal baths
I heard David Bellamy on television many years ago telling of his daughter's severe eczema and how they coped with it. I tried his remedy and though it doesn't cure - it does soothe remarkably well. Take one pop sock (or similar item, such as a muslin bag) and put in one cup of organic oatmeal. Tie the bag and hang it over the bath tap, so that the bag hangs directly under the running water. Run the hot water through first as it takes out more of the curative part of the oats (I don't know what it is called but it feels like lanolin). This will make the water creamy white, do not add any soap, just bathe in the water then pat the skin dry - or if possible leave to dry naturally. Having recently developed pompholyx eczema this has been so soothing, and helps to moisturise my dry skin all over. I hope this helps - it is especially good for children as they are getting treatment and enjoying it too!!
Theresa, Congleton, UK
Thumbs up for oatmeal baths
I would like to add to the positive experiences with "oatmeal baths". It has really soothed my skin, made it softer and taken away much of the dry skin on my face. I found not only bathing in the water, but applying the creamy substance that comes out of the oats directly onto my skin, to work even better. I am so glad that I read of other people's stories about this.
Lindsay, Bristol, UK