I am a 43 year old female with 2 children who do not have eczema. I have had eczema since my mother stopped breast feeding me. My grandfather died of asthma. I get really depressed about my disease sometimes and it's mainly the fact that it looks awful and there is a lot of ignorance about it. People that say don't scratch, that would be the one I really can't stand. As if any individual wants to mutilate their body, have bleeding to deal with and of course the pain involved. As far as looking in the mirror, I have days where I just refuse to because I just can't deal with how I look. I am quite sure there are a lot of people with eczema that have low self-esteem. The media make such a big deal about skin being perfect and society seems to be afraid of catching such a disease. I guess it's all relative because generally eczema is not life threatening so in a way I should feel lucky, but some days I just plainly feel sorry for myself.Please, to parents out there who have children with eczema, don't tell them not to scratch, they really can't help it, I do it in my sleep, just try to help your child by asking what might help them, or cooling them down etc. I am hoping to hear from anyone else with eczema, thanks.