My son, who has profound special needs, has very many scars, some which have been particularly deep, red and gruesome, but that, in the main, have lessened and lessened, some to very faint lines, over the years. He had his first operation (on a Vascular Ring) which was major heart surgery at just 10 months old – when we were told he had 20% chance of survival. He was so young, and fortunately for him so oblivious, but my husband and I more than took the worry on board for him. Since then he’s had countless operations, requiring surgery, in his 13 years, and just last September had a 5 hour operation to rectify a Nissan Fundoplication and re-site a gastrostomy. He doesn’t have a clue as to how brave, resilient and generally AMAZING he is – but he wears many scars to tell the tale.