Sleep stories
If you are have sleep issues you are not alone. This is where you can hear other patients' experiences of living with and treating certain sleep issues. If you’d like to share your own story, please get in touch with us!
Quality of life
Pain and no sleep
I'm a junior doctor with a complex medical condition, which affects my joints, gastro system and cardio system. I get a lot of pain and often it is worse and or I'm more aware of it at night.
Some nights if my pain levels are too high I accept I might not sleep and aim instead to rest, to get my heart rate down (wrist based monitor) and calm my nervous system. This contrasts to years ago when I'd ended a desperate sobbing mess thinking how will I cope, I have to sleep I have x or y tomorrow. So...progress! I use several apps including Calm, which offers sleep stories as well as actual meditation. Another one takes you through breathing exercises to help you calm your nervous system and I do see a drop in my heart rate. I also practice mindfulness techniques from Breathworks, such as body scans and progressive relaxation.
The thing that I can't live without is my heatpad, like a mini electric blanket - it is very soothing for aching hips but also can sometimes release spasms.
As well all this I've found things like my snoozle really helpful - it's a small silky slip sheet that makes turning in bed so much easier if you have limited strength or pain in your hips/lower back. My most recent addition has been a weighted blanket. I've found I fall asleep more easily and also have less of the "jumpy legs" I often experience if I overdo it.
I recently discovered that ibuprofen comes in slow release and that seems to help me too. I feel like finding all these helpful strategies and tools has been a process of ongoing research and it's trial & error or luck of someone mentioning something! So many of the things that help me were mentioned in passing by someone I knew with pain or resulted from a Google search when I was in pain! That includes the weighted blanket, also the magnesium spray I use and those slow release ibuprofen.
My sleep disruption is difficult for my partner too as I have to turn a lot on the night. I do seem to turn less now with the weighted blanket though! But also getting up to go to the bathroom or to get on my yoga mat to stretch out a spasm all disturbs him! As he said once on a group holiday "when Emily has a bad night so do I". Luckily yes supportive but it does add pressure for both of us.
Emily, West Midlands
Shift Work and Sleep
I worked as a nurse for 25 years which involved shift work and a lot of early mornings. I no longer work in nursing and now only work part time in another sector, but I still wake up early in the morning and am unable to get back to sleep I also wake up 2-3 times during the night.
Linda, UK