Dr Rachel Abbott
Consultant Dermatologist and Mohs surgeon - MBBS, BMEDSCI(HONS), MRCP (UK), MRCP (DERMATOLOGY) (UK)
Dr Aza Abdulla
Aza Abdulla FRCP(UK), FRCP(I), MSc (Immunology), MSc Med Ed.
Karolina Afors
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist - BSc MBBS MRCOG
Dr Kostas Agath
Medical Director, EMBA, FRCPsych
Dr Alia Ahmed
Consultant Dermatologist - BSc MRCP
Professor Ahmed Ahmed
Professor of Gynaecological Oncology
Mr Valentine Akande
Dr Anton Alexandroff
Consultant Dermatologist, Honorary Senior Lecturer & British Skin Foundation spokesperson - FRCP(UK), CCT (Dermat), PhD, FRSM, FAAD
Dr Rukshana Ali
UK Registered Clinical Psychologist (HCPC)
Farzana Ali
Qualified sound practitioner, wellness expert and author
Mr Ased Ali
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Tim Allardyce
Osteopath and spokesperson for the Institute of Osteopathy
Mr Hussain Alnajjar
Consultant Urological Surgeon and Andrologist, BSc(MedSci), MCh(Urol), FRCS(Urol), FEBU
Natasha Anderson
Sexual Health Adviser and Psychosexual Therapist - CoSRT Accredited, Mbacp Reg
Mr Ken Anson
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Lisa Artis
Deputy CEO of The Sleep Charity
Alex Ashcroft
Emotional Overeating Support Group Project Officer
Philippa Aslet
Senior Urology Specialist Nurse and President of the British Association of Urology Nurses
Dr Julie Ayres
Specialty Doctor
Mr Ben Ayres
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Sally Baker
PSTEC Master Practitioner
Dr Dinkar Bakshi
Consultant in Paediatrics and Allergy , MBBS MD(Paed) MSc(Allergy) MRCPCH FRCPCH
Vicky Barber
Nurse Manager- British Lung Foundation
Nina Barough CBE
Founder, MoonWalk
Claire Baseley
Registered Nutritionist
Dr Jonathan Batchelor
Consultant Dermatologist
Dr. Neil Baum, MD
Professor of Clinical Urology
Jessica Bavinton
Founder Director Vitality360 Limited & Specialist Physiotherapist - BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy, MCSP, PVRA, HG (Dip), MBACME
Dr Sandeep Bawa
Consultant Rheumatologist - MBChB, MRCP, MSc (Sports Exercise Medicine)
Juliette Baysham
CNHC Registered craniosacral therapist and complementary health professional
Mr Mohammed Belal
Consultant Urological Surgeon; Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham
Tina Bennett
Cardiomyopathy support nurse with the Cardiomyopathy Association and arrhythmia nurse specialist
Dr Kapil Bhargava
Consultant Dermatologist, Mohs and Laser Surgeon MBBS, FRCP(UK)(Derm), CCT(Derm)
Helen Bickerstaff
Senior Lecturer and Consultant Gynaecologist and Obstetrician, MB BChir MD MRCOG
Dr Neil Bindemann
PhD, Executive Director, Primary care and Community Neurology Society
Dr Christopher Black
Clinical Research Fellow in Gastroenterology, MBBS MRCP
Carolyn Blears
Specialist Continence Nurse Bladder and Bowel UK
Annette Boden
Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist, Counsellor - MSc, BSc (Hons) Psychology, MBPsS, FNSHP, ADHP (NC) Adv.Dip THP (N-SHAP), Adv.Dip (NCHP), Member: CRAH; HA; HCB. UKCP registered hypno-psychotherapist. CN
Rachel De Boer
Paediatric Allergy Dietitian
Dr Nevianna Bordet
Consultant Dermatologist
Dr Jonathan Bowling
Consultant Dermatologist - FRCP
Dr Sarah Brewer
Registered Doctor & Award-Winning Writer and Author
Dr Mark Brewin
Clinical Scientist - BSc (Hons), MSc, MIPEM, PhD
Dr Christopher Bridgett
Consultant Psychiatrist
Mike Broadbent
Psychodynamic Counsellor/Psychotherapist MBACP (Accred) MSc MBA
Mr Jonathan Broome
Consultant Gynaecological Surgeon - MB ChB, MRCOG
Dr Helen Brough
Children’s Allergy Consultant - MSc Allergy, MA (Hons,) MB BS, FRCPCH
Mr Christian Brown
Consultant Urological Surgeon BSc MD FRCS (Urol)
Professor Jeremy Brown
Clinical Lead of Lung Infection
Dr Wendy Bryant
Occupational Therapist
Sarah Buchan
Clinical Pharmacist, Rowlands Pharmacy
Josie Buck
Food Psychology Coach
Liz Burns
Public Health Development Advisor-Alcohol, Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust
Sarah Buttle
Senior Coloplast Nurse
Mr Hugh Byrne
Mr James Byrne
MD, FRCS (Gen Surg)
Mr Declan Cahill
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Amanda Caley
Clinical Specialist
Philip Carr-Gomm
Mr Benjamin J Challacombe
Consultant Urological Surgeon and Honorary Senior Lecturer with a special interest in robotic surgery and minimally invasive prostate cancer treatments - BSc. MS FRCS (Urol)
Lianna Champ
Grief Counsellor and Bereavement Expert
Dr. Chun-Han Chan
Senior Scientific Officer, Food Allergy Branch, Food Standards Agency
Prof Christopher Chapple
The Urology Foundation expert and Consultant Urological Surgeon
Dr Eleanor Chatburn
Registered clinical psychologist (HCPC)
Brenda Cheer
Paediatric Specialist Continence Nurse
Bobby J Cherayil
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Ben Choi
Occupational Therapist
Sharon Clovis
Prostate Nurse Specialist
Karen Coates
Oral Health Advisor
Dr Hannah Cock
Consultant Neurologist - BSc MBBS FRCP MD
Kate Codrington
Mentor and Therapist
Wendy Colley OBE
Freelance writer and lecturer
Anna Cooper
Co-founder of the Menstrual Health Project.
Bethany Cooper
Emergency Nurse
Professor Sir Cary Cooper
Tracy Corbett
Chartered Physiotherapist
Rob Cornes
Orchid Male Cancer Information Nurse
Briege Coyle
Netmums’ Health Visitor
Mr Robin Crawford
Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist
Dr Jennifer Crawley
Consultant Dermatologist MBChB, BSc (Hons), MRCP (Derm)
Emma Craythorne
MBChB MRCP CCT(derm) Consultant Dermatologist and Dermatological Surgeon
Dr Antony Crockett
Dr Heather Currie
MB BS, FRCOG, DRCOG, MRCGP. Associate Specialist Gynaecologist at Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary, Scotland.
Dr William Davies
Senior Lecturer in Behavioural Genetics within the Schools of Psychology and Medicine at Cardiff University
Kerry Davies
Sleep Practitioner
Vanessa Jane Davies
Skin Camouflage and Scar Therapy Consultant - MEWI MFHT LCGI
Nurse Tina Dawson
Nurse Project Manager for HEART UK
Vicki Dawson
CEO and Founder of The Sleep Charity
Jane Dean
Naturopath - MA RN RM ND
Susie Debice
Food Scientist, Nutritional Therapist and Author - BSc (Hons),Dip ION
Hannah Deguara
Bladder Specialist Nurse
Mark Dempster
Psychotherapist and Drugs Counsellor
Nazanin Derakhshan
Professor of Experimental Psychopathology
Nazanin Derakhshan
Professor of Experimental Psychopathology
Dr Pravin Desai
Dr Unnati Desai
Ruth Devlin
Professor Brian Diffey
Sujata Din
Health Coach
Kevin Donaghy
Author and campaigner
Professor Stergios (Stelios) Doumouchtsis
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Subspecialist Urogynaecologist MSc MPH PhD MRCOG
Shannon Dowler, MD
Family Physician and STD Clinician
Charlotte Downing
Registered Osteopath - M.Ost Osteopathy
Dr Edmund Farrar
Founder, OTO Doctor and NHS Clinical Entrepreneur
Professor Marcus Drake
Professor of Physiological Urology at University of Bristol
Louisa Draper
Medical Director MBBS MA (OXON)
Dr Giles Dunnill
Consultant Dermatologist
Mr Ian Eardley
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Adam Eason
Clinical & Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist
Professor Christopher Eden
Consultant Urologist
Mr Daren Edwards
Jayne Ellis
Founder and Director - EF training
Dr Eloise Elphinstone
Dr Mich Erlewyn-Lajeunesse
Consultant Paediatrician - BSc MBBS DM FRCPCH
Mr Radwan Faraj
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Dr Sophie Farooque
BSc (Hons), MBBS, MRCP, PhD
Susan Farwell
Osteopath and Council member of the Institute of Osteopathy
Dr Helen Fawcett
GP with special interest in women's health
Prof Richard FitzGerald
Director of the NIHR Liverpool Clinical Research Facility (CRF)
Nicola Footman
Senior Physiotherapist - BSc (Hons) MCSP SRP
Dr Adam Fox
MA(Hons), MD, MSc, MB, BS, DCH, FRCPCH, FHEA, Dip Allergy
Vicky Fox
Senior Registered Yoga Teacher
Ed Francis
Clinical Hypnotherapist - DCH
Miss. Georgina Fraser
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Dr Trevor Friedman
Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist - BSc MB BS FRCPsych
Dr Stephanie Gallard
BSc (Hons) Pharmacy, MBCHB, Dip Prac Derm, MSc Healthcare Management
Dr Neil Galletly
Consultant Gastroenterologist - MA MBBS FRCP
Dr Karen Gibbon
Consultant Dermatologist
Simone Gilbert
B. Ec, IAHC - Health & Wellness Coach
Dr Sarah Gilchrist
Specialist in sleep and athletic performance
Dr Mary Glover
Consultant Paediatric Dermatologist
Leanne Goh
Paediatric Allergist - MB BCh BAO, MRCPCH, MSc (Allergy)
Noah Goldhirsh
Developer of Healing methods in Alternative Medicine
Dr Richard Goodwin
Consultant Dermatologist
Debbie Gordon
Independent Specialist Physiotherapist in Bladder & Bowel Health
Dr Roger Goulds
talkhealth Medical Director
Mr Ioannis Goutos
Consultant Plastic & Burns Surgeon - FRCSEd(Plast), MSc Burn Care
Dr Sarah Gray
Primary Care Lead for NHS Cornwall for Women's Health and Cancer
Helen Gray
Rgn/Independent Nurse Prescriber
Dr Caroline Grayson
Consultant Paediatrician
Wendy Green
Health Expert & Author - BSc (Hons) Health Studies
Jenny Greenfield
Practice Nurse manager - RN, RM, Bsc (hons) MSc PG cert, FNRT
Mr Peter Greenhouse
MA FRCOG FFSRH, Consultant in Sexual Health & Menopause Specialist
Justine Greenwood
Learning and Development Pharmacist, Rowlands Pharmacy
Dr Ian Gregory
Professor Christopher E.M. Griffiths
Consultant Dermatologist MD FRCP FMedSci
Lorraine Grover
Psychosexual Nurse Specialist
Rod Grundy
Internet Pharmacy Manager, Rowlands Pharmacy
Dr Ashish Gulve
Clinical Lead & Consultant in Pain Medicine (FFPMRCA,FFPMCAI, FRCA, FCARCSI, MD)
Dr Juber Hafiji
Consultant Dermatologist & BSF spokesperson - MB ChB, FRACP, FRCP, FACMS
Dr Masud Haq
Consultant in Diabetes and Endocrinology
Mr Chris Harding
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Kim Hardwick
Senior Cancer Information Nurse RGN, BAppSci-Nursing - Macmillan Cancer Support
Dr Shahzadi Harper
Women's Wellbeing and Menopause Doctor
Dr Kirsty Harris
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Dr Kas Hawes
General Practitioner
Professor John Hawk
Dr Gretchen Hawley
Physical therapist and Multiple Sclerosis certified specialist
Dr Jamal Hayat
Consultant Gastroenterologist
Elaine Hazell
Clinical nurse specialist, Functional Urology
Ivon van Heugten
Policy Adviser in Health with Changing Faces
Jason Higginbotham
Optometrist and Dispensing Optician (BSc (Hons) MCOptom Prof Cert Glau Prof Cert Med Ret Prof Cert LV FBDO MBCLA)
Dr Dan Hindley
Consultant Community Paediatrician
Sue Hinton
Clinical Nurse Advisor
Dr Wendy Holden
Arthritis Action Medical Advisor and Consultant Rheumatologist
Debby Holloway
Nurse Consultant in Gynaecology
Lisa Holmes
Senior Paediatric Dietitian
Sharon Holroyd
Lead CNS Calderdale Bladder and Bowel Service
Dr Mark Horowitz
Clinical Research Fellow in Psychiatry at North East London NHS Foundation Trust
Paul Howard
Chief Executive Officer, LUPUS UK
Joanne Hoyle
Adult Specialist Nurse, Bladder & Bowel UK
Dr Walayat Hussain
Consultant Dermatologist & Specialist Dermatological Surgeon
Stamatina Iliodromiti
Honorary Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Lisa Irving
Health Coach
Karen Irwin
Bladder & Bowel UK Continence Nurse Advisor
Dr Gary Jackson
Consultant Psychiatrist - M.B.B.Ch., F.R.C.Psych
Heather Jackson
RN, DN, BSc (Hons) Public Health
Dru Jaeger
Co-founder of Club Soda
Dr Varsha Jain
Wellbeing of Women Clinical Research Training Fellow
Maureen Jenkins
Director of Clinical Services for Allergy UK - BSc (Hons); RN; NP; Asthma Dip.
Julie Jenks
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Professor Ama Johal
Professor of Orthodontics & Consultant Orthodontist
Dr Martin E Johnson
Co-Chair, Chronic Pain Policy Coalition
Dr Janice Joneja
Medical microbiologist / immunologist
Dr Hilary Jones
GP & Breakfast TV Health Editor
Mary Jordan
Director, AdaptDementia
Mr Adrian Joyce
Consultant Urologist
Dr Mary Judge
Consultant Paediatric Dermatologist & Consultant Adult Dermatologist
Nevşah Fidan Karamehmet
Founder and CEO of Breath Hub
Mr Omer Karim
Consultant Urologist
Ben Katz
President, the Institute of Osteopathy
Dr Rashmi Kaushal
Consultant Physician, Specialist in Diabetes and Endocrinology - FRCP
Dr Philippa Kaye
GP, Author, Journalist
Mr Oliver Kayes
Consultant Urologist - MBBS MSc MD(Res) FRCS(Urol) FECSM
Sean Kehoe
Chrissi Kelly
Founder of AbScent.org
Stephen Kelly
Registered Chiropractor (BSc Hons, MSc, DC)
Tracy Kelly
Head of Clinical Care, BSc RD, MBDA
Dr Andrew Kelso
Dr Andrew Kelso MD (Res) FRCP FRCP Edin
Rob Kendall
Leading authority on effective conversation
Denise Kennedy
Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist
Dr Rachel Kent
Lecturer in Digital Economy & Society Education
Janet Keyworth
Senior Clinical Nurse Specialist for Chronic Inflammatory Skin Disease
Dr Emma Kirk
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist - BSc, MBBS, MRCOG, MD
Dr Stephen Kownacki
Dr Sreedhar Krishna
Consultant Dermatologist and Honorary Clinical Fellow in Dermatopathology - MBBS, BSc (Hons.), Cert Maths, PG Cert HRes, PG Cert Clin Bioinf, PG Dip MedEd, MA, MSc, MPhil, MClinRes, MRCP (Derm), FHEA
Ms Maria Kyrgiou
Consultant in Gynaecology & Gynaecologic Oncology - MSc, PhD, MRCOG
Yatna Ladwa
BSc Hons Podiatry MCHs Pg. Cert Diabetic Foot. HCPC registered
Dr Zainab Laftah
Consultant Dermatologist
Lisa Lamb
Sleep Consultant
Robin Lansman
Immediate Past President, the Institute of Osteopathy
Mary Larkin
Professor of Care, Carers and Caring at the Open University
Dr Faheem Latheef
Consultant Dermatologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer, MBCHB, MRCP (London), MRCP (Dermatology), MBA
Martin Lau
Arthritis Action Services Development Manager & Dietitian
Rachel Lawrence
Pilates Expert
Sarah Lawrence
Action for M.E. Welfare Rights Officer
Dr Alison Layton
Consultant Dermatologist M.B, Ch.B, FRCP
Dr Mandy Leonhardt
General Practitioner
Stevie Lewis
Campaigner and Researcher
Anthony Linklater
Epilepsy Specialist Nurse
Tracy Livechhi
LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker)
Dr Shirley Lockeridge
Chartered Clinical Psychologist
Karina Lovell
Professor of Mental Health
Dr Sian Ludman
MBBCh, DRCOG, MRCPCH, MSc Allergy, European Diploma in Allergology
Sue Luscombe
Specialist Dietitian and Nutrition Consultant - R.D.
Dr Richard Ma
General Practitioner - MBChB, DCH, DRCOG, DFSRH, Dip GUM, MRCGP, MSc
Dr Vishal Madan
Consultant Dermatologist - MBBS (Hons), MD, FRCP
Dr Anjali Mahto
Consultant Dermatologist and British Skin Foundation spokesperson
Linda Main
Dietetic Adviser
Jonathan Makanjuola
Consultant Urologist
Mr Sachin Malde
Consultant Urological Surgeon - BSc(Hons) MBBS MSc(Urol), FRCS(Urol)
Rosemary Mallace
Personal Trainer
Joanne Mallon
Life and Career Coach
Dr Claire Mansfield
Chartered Counselling Psychologist - CPsychol, PsychD, MA, BSc
Dr Tom Marrs
Consultant in Paediatric Allergy, Director of the Allergy Academy, King's College London, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Paediatric Allergy, King's College London - MBBS, MSc, FRCPCH, FHEA
Lee Martin
Specialist Gastroenterology Dietitian - MSc RD
Dr Anna Martinez
Consultant Dermatologist
Dr Thiviyani Maruthappu
Consultant Dermatologist
Monika Mateja
Health Coach and Nutritional Chef
June Rogers MBE
RN, RSCN, BA(Hons), MSc, ENB 216, N01, 976
James McAllister
Ophthalmic Surgeon
Dr Andrew McCaddon
General Practitioner
Dr Fiona McCarthy
MB ChB MRCP (Med Onc) PhD
Nadine McCauley
Spokesperson for Save The Ball Campaign
Michael V. McConnell, MD, MSEE
Fran McElwaine
AFMC, CHHC - Functional Health & Lifestyle Coach
Mike McInnes
Pharmacist and sports nutritionist
Sophie Medlin
Consultant dietitian and Chair of the British Dietetic Association for London - BSc Hons Dietetics
Pieter Meiring
Medical Herbalist
Lindsey Middlemiss
BSc, Founder & Chair FibroAction
Anna Middleton
Dental Hygienist & Therapist
Sandra Mikhail
Accredited Practising Dietitian & Nutritionist
Tracie Miles
Dr Alastair Miller
Grace Miller
BSC honours in Midwifery, Diploma in Acupuncture in Pregnancy, Clinical Specialist for Zilico
Deborah Mills
Speciality Nurse
Alisoun Milne
Professor Emerita of Social Gerontology and Social Work
Dr. Meg Minasian
GMC-registered Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon
Dr Alexandra Mizara
Chartered Counselling Psychologist
Mr Vaibhav Modgil
Consultant Urological Surgeon and Andrologist
Dr George Moncrieff
Clinical Lead for a Community Dermatology Service, FRCP FRCGP
Ann Moore
Clinical Nurse Specialist in Urology
Dr Jasper Mordhorst
Mr Roland Morley
Consultant Urologist
Rachel Morris
Emotional Overeating Support Group Project Officer
Ali Mortimer
Holistic Health & Happiness Coach (IIN)
Dr David Morton
Consultant (Forensic) Psychiatrist and Expert Witness
Liza Morton
FHEA, CPsychol, PhD Chartered & Registered Counselling Psychologist
Felix Mueller
Polycystic Kidney Disease patient and holistic health coach
Dr Howard Murad
Lee Murphy
Consultant Podiatric Surgeon - MRes FCPodS
Tracey Murphy
Senior Coloplast Nurse
Katherine Mutsvangwa
Orchid Male Cancer Information Nurse
Professor Simon Myers
Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon
Dr Sarah Myhill
Independent Medical Practitioner with a special interest in CFS/ME
Dr Mani Naghibi
Gastroenterology Consultant
Mr Rajesh Nair
Consultant Urological Surgeon, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust - FRCS (Urol.), FEBU, MSc. (Urol)
Izabella Natrins
Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine Health Coach
Dr Dermot Neely
Consultant in Clinical Biochemistry and Metabolic Medicine
Dr Gemma Newman
Plant Power Doctor
Marian Nicholson MBE
Director of the Herpes Viruses Association
Dr Dan Nightingale
Consultant in Dementia, Learning Disabilities and Psychotherapy
Mr Jonathan Noel
Consultant Urological Surgeon MBBS MRCS FRCS
Dr Joseph Nowinski
Clinical Psychologist
Dr Catherine O’Leary
Consultant clinical psychologist
Professor Edel O'Toole
Consultant Dermatologist
Mr Jeremy Ockrim
Consultant Urological Surgeon in Female and Reconstructive Surgery
Dr Jesus Olmo
Consultant Sports & Orthopaedics Rehabilitation Doctor
Julie Van Onselen
Independent Dermatology Nurse - RGN, RSCN, BA(Hons)
Karen Osland
Deputy Chief Executive of SUDEP Action - Dip. Couns. MBACP
Lauratu Osu
Health & Lifestyle Coach
Doro Pasantes
CEO of the Brightwell Neurological Support Centre
Zoe Passam
Jessie Pavelka
Fitness and Wellbeing Expert
Mr Ian Pearce
Consultant Urologist
Sharrona Pearl
Associate Professor of medical ethics and history
Gabz Pearson
Co-founder of Menstrual Health Project
Malcolm Persey
Consultant Rheumatologist - MD FRCP
Dr Gabriela Petrof
Consultant Dermatologist
Mr Joe Philip
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Dr Derrick Phillips
Consultant Dermatologist
Dr Joanna Porter
Medical Director and Clinical Lead of Lung Fibrosis
Melanie Powell
Consultant Clinical Oncologist
Dr Penelope Pratsou
Consultant Dermatologist, MBChB, DipGUM, FRCP(UK)
Jenny Radcliffe
Consultant Clinical Health Psychologist
Dr Amritash Rai
Consultant Psychiatrist
Dr. Sweta Rai
MRCP (U.K), MRCP Dermatology (U.K), MRCP Dermatologic Surgery (U.K), Procedural Dermatology (U.S.A)
Dr Madhurima (Rima) Rajkhowa
Consultant Gynaecologist
Anita Ralph
Consulting Medical Herbalist - MSc (herb med) MNIMH MCPP
Suresh Rambaran
Specialist Nurse
Dr Romi Ran
Clinical Psychologist, Coach & Speaker
Professor Abhay Rane
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Mr Khalil Razvi
Consultant Gynaecologist - MBBCh, BAO, LRCPI, LRCSI (Irl), MMed, FAMS (S'pore), FRCOG
Dr Nick Read
Gastroenterologist and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapist
Janey Readman
RSCN, SCM. Dip HE Community Practice
Saskia Reeken
Clinical Nurse Specialist Skin Cancer RGN, BSc, Dip Dermatology,V300, N25
Dr Jon Rees
GP, Backwell & Nailsea Medical Group with specialist interest in Men’s Health and Urology
Clarissa Reeves
RD Bsc (Hons) Diabetes Specialist Dietitian
Dr Cheryl Rezek
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Liam Rice
Clinical Nurse Specialist - Multiple Sclerosis
Cassandra Rix
The Resonance Coach
Flordelyn Selim, BSN RN
Scar Management Clinical Nurse Specialist
Sheila Robertson
Dermatology Liaison Nurse Specialist
Alison Rodriguez
Head of Service Community Alcohol Team and Brian Hore Unit, Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust
Matthew Rogers
Head of Professional Development, the Institute of Osteopathy and former Fellow of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
Ali Rooke
Specialist Nurse, Prostate Cancer UK
Laura Rose-Wilkins
Distinction in Life Coaching from The Coaching Academy
Caroline Rudoni
Patient & Clinical Services Director and Stoma Care Nurse
Dr Kate Russell, GP
General Practitioner
Dr Chris Rutkowski
Consultant Allergist and Clinical Lead for Adult Allergy
Arun Sahai
Arun Sahai, PhD, FRCS (Urol), BSc (Hons)
James Scholfield
Mindfulness Practitioner
Dr Ed Seaton
Consultant Dermatologist and British Skin Foundation spokesperson
Dr Verena Senn
Dr Sivanie Sewell
Consultant Dermatologist and British Skin Foundation spokesperson
Stephanie Sey
Dr Dev Shah
Consultant Dermatologist
Mr Julian Shah
Consultant Urological Surgeon - MB ChB LRCP FRCS
Mr Vik Sharma
Consultant Ophthalmologist, Cataract and Glaucoma Specialist
Dr Syed Shaukat
Consultant Gastroenterologist and Endoscopist - M.B.B.S, FRCP
Dr Charles Shepherd
MB BS, Honorary Medical Adviser, ME Association
Dr Adil Sheraz
Consultant Dermatologist - MBBS, BMEDSCI(HONS), MRCP (UK), MRCP (DERMATOLOGY) (UK)
Dr Bav Shergill
Consultant Dermatologist and Dermatological Surgeon
Dr Nisith Sheth
Consultant Dermatologist and British Skin Foundation spokesperson
Dr Neil Shroff
Joanna Shurety
Health Coach and Nutritional Therapist
Rosalind Simpson
Consultant Dermatologist and Associate Professor
Dr Sarita Singh
Consultant Dermatologist & British Skin Foundation Spokesperson
Dr Rishika Sinha
Consultant Dermatologist
Lindsey Skelt
Occupational Therapist
Teyhou Smyth
Registered Associate Marriage and Family Therapist and Registered Associate Professional Clinical Counselor
Professor Bhaskar Somani
Professor of Urology and Consultant Endourologist
Dr Mary Sommerlad
Consultant Dermatologist
Dr Prasanna Sooriakumaran
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Richmond Stace
Chartered Physiotherapist
Dr Neil Stanley
Independent Freelance Sleep Expert
Kathy Steligo
Editor-at-Large for Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered (FORCE)
Dr Jane Sterling
Dr. Anita Sturnham
Dermatology Expert and GP
Susan Daly
MS and bladder nurse specialist
Dr Naomi Sutton
Consultant Physician
Dr Sarah Swan
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Dr Kate Swan
Consultant in Paediatric Allergy
Dr Steve Taylor
HIV Consultant - MBChB PhD FRCP
Sarah Templeton
ADHD Author and ADHD Therapist
Shakila Thangaratinam
Consultant Obstetrician
Mr Nikesh Thiruchelvam
Consultant Urologist
Donald Thomas, MD
Amy Thompson
Senior Cardiac Nurse for British Heart Foundation
Julie Thompson
Gastroenterology Specialist Dietitian - BSc (Hons) Dietetics
Professor Andrew Thompson
Registered Clinical and Registered Health Psychologist - DClinPsy., C.Psychol., AFBPsS., DipCAT., FHEA., BA(Hons)
Dr Amanda Tristram
Senior Lecturer in Gynaecological Oncology
Emily Turnbull
Energy Coach
Gary Turner
Advisor to British Army School of Physical Training, World Champion Elite Sportsman
Sarah Turner
Cognitive Behavioural Therapist and Addictions Counsellor
Douglas Twenefour
RD, MPhil, PG Dip
David Vaux
Arthritis Action Therapies Manager & Exercise Lead, and Registered Osteoarthritis
Petra Velzeboer
Mental Health Expert, Keynote Speaker and CEO of PVL
Carina Venter
Chair of the BDA's Food Allergy and Intolerance Specialist Group
Julie Vickerman
Occupational Therapist - Dip C.O.T/S.R.O.T/M.B.A.O.T
Claire Vine
Bsc(hons) Adult Nursing, Independent and supplementary nurse prescriber, Queens Nurse
Dr Yvonne Waft
UK Registered Clinical Psychologist and EMDR Consultant
Helen Walker
CEO of Carers UK
Rachel Walker
Cardiomyopathy support nurse with the Cardiomyopathy Association and inherited cardiac conditions nurse specialist
Janine Ward
Accredited Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner
Jason Warriner
UK Director for Quality and Clinical Services
Nurse Ian Weatherhead
Lead Dementia Nurse
Dr Helen Webberley
MBChB MRCGP MFSRH DipGUM DipIPM GP Partner in South Wales and Director of My Web Doctor
Dr Emma Wedgeworth
Consultant Dermatologist & BSF spokesperson
Rebecca Wedlake
Osteopath and spokesperson for the Institute of Osteopathy
Dr Anna Weighall
Reader in Education, Director of MSc Psychology and Education - DPhil Psychology, University of York; BSc (Hons) Psychology, University of York
Mark Westbrook
Advanced Personal Trainer / Freelance Instructor
Polly Weston
Team Lead South Cumbria Continence Service
Roger Wheelwright
Advanced Nurse Practitioner - MSc, PG Dip, PGCE (FE), MISM, RN
Dr Jonathan White
MBChB, MRCOG, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Mr Mark Whiteley
Consultant Vascular Surgeon
Ruth Wilde
Senior Fertility Counsellor
Greg Williams
Hair Transplant Surgeon and President of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery - FRCS (Plast)
Simon Williams
Marketing Manager for the National Bed Federation
Mr Adrian Wilson
Consultant Knee Surgeon - BSc (Hons) MBBS FRCS (Eng) FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Lauren Windas
Andrew Winterbottom
Founder and CEO, Fight Bladder Cancer
Oliver Wiseman
Consultant Urologist
Dr Miriam Wittmann
Associate Professor in Inflammatory Diseases
Dr Sharon Wong
Consultant Dermatologist and British Skin Foundation spokesperson
Jo Wren
Bsc (hons) Community Specialist Practitioner, Independent/Supplementary Prescriber
Carol Wright
Grief, loss, health and life coach
Dr Andrew Wright
Dr Frances Yarlett
GP, Women's Health Specialist